We experience it every day - On the road , in the Job , In railway stations.Its nothing but chaos every where.BOmbay drowned in water suffered with blast and engulfed with pathetic transport facility.Everybody says , its the true spirit of Mumbaikar which made him to go normal life next day after the blast.I pity those who say so.Its not the spirit but the inevitability to earn his bread which makes him to risk his life daily!I cry for him not for his spirit but his inabilty to fight this monster called - Chaos in INDIA. We have loads of talents every where - In IIM's , in IIT'S and every damn shell .IT is booming so is the economy - Who says so?.Its the same people you have crippled the system in INDIA. Problems are every where and solutions are stupid but followed!
Blocked Drainages , Flooded cities , crimes on the run , chaos on the road , choked trains and the list is endless.Does it call for a permanent solution .When I think and discuss , I see a small hope to end this menace.Its the Bloody " Value system" we have with us in our mind! Yes its the values we acquire from the child hood which leads to all this situations.
If my values are great , I won't throw garbage in the drainage .So there may not be blocked water and No floods in the city provided I value my city and my Values say , I should not throw garbage here and there.Its as simple as it can be.So take it.Its all in the mind!
Stop honking.Sound pollution is one of the most dangerous intangibel pollution we have on the road.Can i convince the cab driver not to honk.No not all.Its only he who can change it!How , once again , its the "Values" he has imbided over a period of time.
Most shocking but true, en engineering student supposed to be a girl , threw all the shit on the platform sitting in the train.When my wife objected , she said ,"Relax , not u'r problem". THis was the most disgusting statement I culd ever imagine and was speechless...I thought and culd not rightly figure out , what went wrong with her.Defenitely educated but never had values.The Big "V" was missing with her.Its not so complicated to keep the waste in a cover and throw it to a dustbin.U dnt find one as u r naturally in India, keep it with you and throw it later!.Does this act of u'rs call for Phd ? no never and for god sake , this is the same bloody value system we have learnt and adopted over a period o time.I beg , do not ever teach the same to the kids.Try to imbibe morals and values so that they dnt follow you! No am serious , lets teach our kids these simple things and make them blossom out in a better world.
Raped and murder - Reason given was , she was wearing a lose skirt.Common , what are we trying to do?Are we dogs ? do I have to rape some one because she had a lose skirt! Pretty amazing to know the minds of these people.How did he ever turn like that.Simply answered , he has never been taught what the values and morals in life.Get this taught to him and he will be the most gently person!
Everything calls for an act - an Act of doing what is right and what is wrong.If we can understand this , we can ateast make a better place for our children to live .Next time , you honk , you throw shit ,you drink and abuse somebody , think that your kid is going to follow you and for him , tomorrow will die for ever ..........Because you are the role model
This Blog is dedicated to my beloved friend CSL without whom I would not have written this article