Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What a Movie sirji !!!!

Two movies I watched recently completely re-assured me about what I think about Love....

50 First dates - Starred by Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore
6 days 7 nights - Harrison Ford, Anne Heche

Its a complete Complete delight to watch this movie.....50 first dates is all about 'Endurance" in love....its about passion that was poured to build a relationship which blossoms every day and every night....its about falling in love again and again first time and every time....The famous dialog I felt really touched is "My first LaST kiss", when they were departing from each other....The movie is a classic to watch....the girl is sensational and so is sensitive to the relationship she holds with her boy friend and on the other hand , Adam makes every attempt to make her fall in love every day and for ever because girl suffers with a short term memory loss...its true...Love is not blind but its a bond between 2 people.

6 days and 7 nights on the other hand is a completely humorous and off the track story where a girl falls in love again !! But with a different guy...well its not so funny as you thought . Because at the end of the movie , you would feel bad if she had not fallen in love again!...So its true , time and again relations are tested and tried and lot of turbulence to wave for...but it will survive and you will find your way if you are honest and truthful not for others but for yourself !

Endurance , sensitive and truthful...thats all wins the battle . Even if you lost , you will still win !

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mavericks at Work by William C.Taylor & Polly LaBarre

You have to pick this book only after reading 'Blue Ocean Strategy', because only then would you know what strategy really means to a corporation, what it means to the customer and finally to YOU as an employee, who is proud to be associated with the company. Every company has its own way to lure the customers and they do every possible thing to clinch the deal and get the bottom-line shining. Well, you would remember Kelloggs. It made waves when it hit the US market and for a while the company thought they could repeat the same success in India. But it was all together a different ball game with the Indian Consumers. They can buy 'anything', yes anything that's neatly packed in a Re 1 and Rs 2 sachet. :) Kelloggs could not understand this fact. They priced their breakfast cereal pack @ Rs 100 per pack which hardly got sold. As every other company, they imitated the strategy and pulled the priced to Rs 10 per pack of breakfast. Well did it work? May be it did increase the sales and booked the profit but turnaround? Not sure. It never really picked up! So what went wrong? Strategy was good, so did the marketing and other operational processes. It is this gap which you will really understand after reading the 'Mavericks'. It's truly truly magnificent.

It's a story of those very few companies who never ever compete with giants yet create a MARK in the minds of the customers. It's a story of those crazy guys who advocated what they told to the people. They gave customers a sense of pride and a sense of belonging to the company because they did what we call 'Advocacy of Strategy'. Put it simply, you mean what you said when you laid out the vision for Customer...yes you read it right....Mavericks lay“vision for the Customer” and NOT for the company. This makes customers special and they will never leave you, even if it means a higher Cost. So a company can never ever compete on Cost & Price. What they can really compete is on the 'Value'.

Personally I have few favorites in the book. One amongst them is Arkadi Kuhlmann, who's innovation through agitation gave a new dimension on how people see the banking system in US, when giants like Goldman Sachs , Citi Group were harping on loans, derivatives, stock markets to enhance the profit for their organization. This man was advocating his customers to just save. His bank ING Direct never encouraged it's customers to go for the loans but gave lot of stress on Piggy Banking! He even fired customers who don't pay by the Bank rules. It's simply because they don't fit the model what Kuhlmann and his team has advocated. There were many more incidents which is explained and worth your reading.

My other favorite in the book - “It's not TV, it's HBO” - redefined how TV is veiwed in US. Albrecht, the executve of HBO says, “TV is a finite Idea...It's not TV is an infinite idea".

Remember Netscape? It was bought out for 10$ billion by AOL. For a company with a 5 year history it was an amazing price to pay! And then Netscape got a deep cut from Microsoft. Why and what went wrong? Competition killed them and instead of building something great for the customers, they woke up every day thinking how to beat Microsoft in the market. The rest became history for Andreessen and his team. They lost focus from the customer and this incident was wonderfully explained. I sat back and started thinking "Competition is irrelevant in the eyes of the customer".

There are many more stories to get motivated and get charged. Reading this book is worth your time.

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Goal by Eliyahu M. Goldratt

If words like 'Workbench” , “Workload”, “Process” , “Bottleneck” ,"Lean management" do not interest you, then pick up this book !!! .

Goal is not just a book to be read and followed in Production units; nor it's like the lean management technique mastered by Toyota. Goal is to be read with an objective to understand what makes sense for the people in Operations, people in Project Management or people working with NGOs...there is a great breadth of learning for all of them and not to forget for people like you and me too.

Alex who is a budding production manager is about to report a 3rd quarter loss for his division. His boss is clear. If BU does not make profit, it should be closed for ever. It's as simple as it can be. Alex has 3 months time to save his plant. He knows simply nothing but a typical congruent process followed in production:

1. Remove waste lines across the workbench

2. Increase through put by increasing efficiency

3. Reduce manual work and replace with deadly robots

4. Show bottom line for the company

5. If possible, give orders on time

6. Reduce inventory

Well all of them are good and great to know. But there are Missing links and Goal finds it all! Adding to all these is a troubled marriage! Alex know all's going to end in the 3rd month, including his marriage. Then one man, who he met accidentally in the airport lounge, changes his thought process. Soon Alex is on a nerve raking path to save his plant. There are instances and dramatization of the problem faced in the plant and how Alex goes on to find solutions for all of these problems, and similar to a typical commercial movie, it all ends well!

But the lesson learnt is amazing. Some of the bits and pieces I gathered while reading the book

1.“Speed of the team is the speed of the weakest link”

2. Increased throughput does not mean increased inventory. Otherwise you will have to build more plants to store more inventory.

3. Increased efficiency does not mean increasing production. If that was the case, then all humans would have been replaced by Robots!

4. Feed the Bottlenecks. If they stay hungry, your plant is going to drain!

And many more to add to the list....So all the best and save the Plant!

Word Of Caution: Goal gets boring towards the end where the author is interviewed...So skip it :)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Whale Done

How to create Leadership and Create High Performance Organizations
How to express and direct your honest feelings ?
How NOT to Manipulate people you care ?

In someway there is a common thread running across these questions and unravels itself as you read the “Story” return by Ken. Yes its a story and its brilliantly narrated with incidence from the world around you......

But don't stop there . There are 3 key observations which when adopted leads to an “Empowerment” of your team , ““Empowerment” of your life n Family and Finally it makes a BIG difference to YOU as a person. Whale Done can be a classic if you read it as a story and a powerful tool if you consciously follow the directions given in the book

Seaworld is a place of whales. All jumping , fun-run and dancing to the perfect tune of the trainer. what makes this monster really obey (or I should say "follow trainers heart") , to perform in front of those 100's of audience? .....Thats the point which leads the book through out. Ken Blanchard fairs really well in narrating the moral and at the same time passing the message loud and clear . “If we can make Whales to follow a direction which entertains audience then we can as well direct our people , Our situation and Ourself to a near perfect world ! “ .

Author continuous to experiment what he learnt in Seaworld ,to be applied in the work place and in the family
Over his journey makes many more observations .One of the touching lines personally to me was an incident of a kid . The incident explains how re-direction helps to by-pass kids behavior and take it to a world of wisdom.

Finally , Ken re-iterates 3 definitive points through out .

1.Build Trust
2.Accentuate Positive
3.When mistakes occur , re-direct

Simple but yet makes lot of sense when adopted . So Whale Done Guys !!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Blue Ocean Strategy By Kim Chan (Book review)

If you think , you got the best strategy for your company to compete , think again.There is somebody who is Making the competition Irrelevant !!

Well this book is one of the best Management Strategy which has come from Harvard's kitty.
Kim has excellent talent of narration on how and what aspect of company is earning billions for the corporations.

He gives number of statistical and analytical tools to aid the company in its directions

There are numerous examples and pattern matching done from a huge inventory of corporations like Dell , IBM , Walmart to name a few

The book gives a startling revelation of what goes terribly wrong for the companies and how the competition has turned the the industry to red ocean where survival is the key

Kim compares competition of the industry to a red ocean where every body fights for a pie and bloody ocean sets in where most company drown.
and Hence he navigates the company to find an ocean where there is no competition and the Big pie is all lying to be explored and ate and he calls it Blue ocean. Blue because , there is nobody to fight and you are your own competitor !!!!

So in Summary

Book mainly talks about Competition and Value Creation.

1. Competition becomes irrelevant for a company when it swims in a blue ocean. Company then does not care for the bottom line but goes on to create "Value Innovation" for the customer
2. There is no "Great company nor Great Industry for ever " and corporation should continuously move to "Strategy Canvas" to create one more blue ocean

Completely off the track book which is an eye opener . So go and grab one !!!!

Monday, September 01, 2008

Freakonomic India !

I am happy to share that I became the proud father of an angel
She was born on Aug 16 2008 . It was indeed a happy day for me .

She became a meaning to our lives. Kids are always there to fill your heart n it was true in my case also
But its surprising to know not many were happy when they came to know it was a baby gal and that astonished me.

People tend to bias towards baby boy though they change their stand later. why so much buzz around boy's

Any reasons...not that I can think of except for 2 mostly likely reasons

1. Gals need umpteen attention for ever till they get married
2. They are harassed at every stage

and N why baby boy...well again 2 reasons for the same

1. They are little safe in their teens compared to gals
2. will take care of the parents when they are in death bed ( sorry to be harsh here)

Isn't it funny , people percieve the kids in different forms. Isn't it bad to pre-judice them and what is more surprising is , history tells that daughters have sacrificed more and always for their parents .There are movies , stories n incidents all around us which claim the same....Though all these are mostly agreed but there is more than just these ...

So why crave for Boy...Dig into little deeper and we would know why people still vouch for baby boyz...its not b'coz of the 2 reasons I told you earlier ...its only one and that truth is " Bein parents of a boy has less responsibility towards him (after he gets married) and his immediate family tree :) " . They are just too selfish to accept that !!!!

Lets be frank , we all dnt like more responsibility and commitments...Yes generations have changed and people dnt anymore distinguish boy or a gal . Economic gap between them has decreased and gals fair well or better than boyz everywhere and every body are aware of it.....

but then its a irony in our society , people tend to mean differently than what they talk ......

Kids are god and they are only how their parents perceive them... lets stop bein biased ....

India in 21st Century is still the same !!!!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Picks from Chethan Bhagat's speech

I find it so interesting and so true that I could not resist getting this to my blog. Sorry Bhagat , I hijacked your speech :)

Inaugural Speech by *Chetan Bhagat *for the new batch at the Symbiosis BBA
program 2008

Good Morning everyone and thank you for giving me this chance to speak to
you. This day is about you. You, who have come to this college, leaving the
comfort of your homes (or in some cases discomfort), to become something in
your life. I am sure you are excited. There are few days in human life when
one is truly elated. The first day in college is one of them. When you
were getting ready today, you felt a tingling in your stomach. What would
the auditorium be like, what would the teachers be like, who are my new
classmates - there is so much to be curious about. I call this excitement,
the spark within you that makes you feel truly alive today. Today I am going
to talk about keeping the spark shining. Or to put it another way, how to be
happy most, if not all the time.

Where do these sparks start? I think we are born with them. My 3-year old
twin boys have a million sparks. A little Spiderman toy can make them jump
on the bed. They get thrills from creaky swings in the park. A story from
daddy gets them excited. They do a daily countdown for birthday party –
several months in advance – just for the day they will cut their own
birthday cake.

I see students like you, and I still see some sparks. But when I see older
people, the spark is difficult to find. That means as we age, the spark
fades. People whose spark has faded too much are dull, dejected, aimless and
bitter. Remember Kareena in the first half of Jab We Met vs the second half?
That is what happens when the spark is lost. So how to save the spark?

Imagine the spark to be a lamp's flame. The first aspect is nurturing - to
give your spark the fuel, continuously. The second is to guard against

To nurture, always have goals. It is human nature to strive, improve and
achieve full potential. In fact, that is success. It is what is possible for
*you*. It isn't any external measure - a certain cost to company pay
package, a particular car or house.

Most of us are from middle class families. To us, having material landmarks
is success and rightly so. When you have grown up where money constraints
force everyday choices, financial freedom is a big achievement.

But it isn't the purpose of life. If that was the case, Mr Ambani would not
show up for work. Shah Rukh Khan would stay at home and not dance anymore.
Steve Jobs won't be working hard to make a better iPhone, as he sold Pixar
for billions of dollars already. Why do they do it? What makes them come to
work everyday?

They do it because it makes them happy. They do it because it makes them
feel alive. Just getting better from current levels feels good. If you study
hard, you can improve your rank. If you make an effort to interact with
people, you will do better in interviews. If you practice, your cricket will
get better. You may also know that you cannot become Tendulkar, yet. But you
can get to the next level. Striving for that next level is important.

Nature designed with a random set of genes and circumstances in which we
were born. To be happy, we have to accept it and make the most of nature's
design. Are you? Goals will help you do that.

I must add, don't just have career or academic goals. Set goals to give you
a balanced, successful life. I use the word balanced before successful.
Balanced means ensuring your health, relationships, mental peace are all in
good order.

There is no point of getting a promotion on the day of your breakup. There
is no fun in driving a car if your back hurts. Shopping is not enjoyable if
your mind is full of tensions.

You must have read some quotes - Life is a tough race, it is a marathon
or whatever. No, from what I have seen so far, life is one of those races in
nursery school. Where you have to run with a marble in a spoon kept in your
mouth. If the marble falls, there is no point coming first. Same with life,
where health and relationships are the marble. Your striving is only worth
it if there is harmony in your life. Else, you may achieve the success, but
this spark, this feeling of being excited and alive, will start to die.

One last thing about nurturing the spark - don't take life seriously. One
of my yoga teachers used to make students laugh during classes. One student
asked him if these jokes would take away something from the yoga practice.
The teacher said - *don't be serious, be sincere*. This quote has defined
my work ever since. Whether its my writing, my job, my relationships or any
of my goals. I get thousands of opinions on my writing everyday. There is
heaps of praise, there is intense criticism. If I take it all seriously, how
will I write? Or rather, how will I live? Life is not to be taken seriously,
as we are really temporary here. We are like a pre-paid card with limited
validity. If we are lucky, we may last another 50 years. And 50 years is
just 2,500 weekends. Do we really need to get so worked up? It's ok, bunk a
few classes, goof up a few interviews, fall in love. We are people, not
programmed devices.

I've told you three things - reasonable goals, balance and not taking it
too seriously that will nurture the spark. However, there are four storms in
life that will threaten to completely put out the flame. These must be
guarded against. These are disappointment, frustration, unfairness and
loneliness of purpose.

Disappointment will come when your effort does not give you the expected
return. If things don't go as planned or if you face failure. Failure is
extremely difficult to handle, but those that do come out stronger. What did
this failure teach me? is the question you will need to ask. You will feel
miserable. You will want to quit, like I wanted to when nine publishers
rejected my first book. Some IITians kill themselves over low grades – how
silly is that? But that is how much failure can hurt you.

But it's life. If challenges could always be overcome, they would cease to
be a challenge. And remember - if you are failing at something, that means
you are at your limit or potential. And that's where you want to be.

Disappointment's cousin is frustration, the second storm. Have you ever
been frustrated? It happens when things are stuck. This is especially
relevant in India. From traffic jams to getting that job you deserve,
sometimes things take so long that you don't know if you chose the right
goal. After books, I set the goal of writing for Bollywood, as I thought
they needed writers. I am called extremely lucky, but it took me five years
to get close to a release.

Frustration saps excitement, and turns your initial energy into something
negative, making you a bitter person. How did I deal with it? A realistic
assessment of the time involved – movies take a long time to make even
though they are watched quickly, seeking a certain enjoyment in the process
rather than the end result – at least I was learning how to write scripts ,
having a side plan – I had my third book to write and even something as
simple as pleasurable distractions in your life - friends, food, travel can
help you overcome it. Remember, nothing is to be taken seriously.
Frustration is a sign somewhere, you took it too seriously.

Unfairness - this is hardest to deal with, but unfortunately that is how
our country works. People with connections, rich dads, beautiful faces,
pedigree find it easier to make it – not just in Bollywood, but everywhere.
And sometimes it is just plain luck. There are so few opportunities in
India, so many stars need to be aligned for you to make it happen. Merit and
hard work is not always linked to achievement in the short term, but the
long term correlation is high, and ultimately things do work out. But
realize, there will be some people luckier than you.

In fact, to have an opportunity to go to college and understand this speech
in English means you are pretty darn lucky by Indian standards. Let's be
grateful for what we have and get the strength to accept what we don't. I
have so much love from my readers that other writers cannot even imagine it.
However, I don't get literary praise. It's ok. I don't look like Aishwarya
Rai, but I have two boys who I think are more beautiful than her. It's ok.
Don't let unfairness kill your spark.

Finally, the last point that can kill your spark is isolation. As you grow
older you will realize you are unique. When you are little, all kids want
Ice cream and Spiderman. As you grow older to college, you still are a lot
like your friends. But ten years later and you realize you are unique. What
you want, what you believe in, what makes you feel, may be different from
even the people closest to you. This can create conflict as your goals may
not match with others. . And you may drop some of them. Basketball captains
in college invariably stop playing basketball by the time they have their
second child. They give up something that meant so much to them. They do it
for their family. But in doing that, the spark dies. Never, ever make that
compromise. Love yourself first, and then others.

There you go. I've told you the four thunderstorms - disappointment,
frustration, unfairness and isolation. You cannot avoid them, as like the
monsoon they will come into your life at regular intervals. You just need to
keep the raincoat handy to not let the spark die.

I welcome you again to the most wonderful years of your life. If someone
gave me the choice to go back in time, I will surely choose college. But I
also hope that ten years later as well, you eyes will shine the same way as
they do today. That you will Keep the Spark alive, not only through college,
but through the next 2,500 weekends. And I hope not just you, but my whole
country will keep that spark alive, as we really need it now more than any
moment in history. And there is something cool about saying - I come from
the land of a billion sparks.

Thank You.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Kids , Enjoy Experience and Excel...

This is a short story and as always some wisdom out it .read on
I happened to visit a house warming cermony of a friend. The house was pretty grand and my friend's father took care of making sure the house is a "Home" for the family. He had quite a lot of experiences in his life and it was no wonder the Job was well done. I congratulated the family and left. After few days , I happen to meet this friend over a coffee table and he was little worried. he was tense that the Toilet fittins had some leakages in STP(sewage treatment plant) and he was not even aware of what to do about to fix this up. Straight and as expected , he called up his father and I am not sure what happened next.

Over to me , I have been struggling to bring my flat up and operational atleast to livable condition. My father stays in a different place and he cannot help as much like my friend's father does. So its been a long roller coaster ride for me to make things work in my flat starting from deisgning the kitchen , furnishing the rooms , selecting a good color to the walls so on and so forth.... Incidently , There was a seepage that happened in my bathroom and I knew the next best thing to do is use the fillers to resolve the issue. The solution was as simple as it was but the problem comes when you don't know why its happening and how to avoid it. Well i learnt it by experience and I was not even worried about this problem..

I started thinking , it shall be true in our kids life as well....Parents generally put lot of do's and don't to thier kids. This is not bad but they cannot learn if there is a restriction. They will enjoy when they experience. It might be good or bad , but the lesson will be learnt. And am sure , it will stay with them for ever. Its the direction and not the binding which should be given to our kids. This will help to unleash the true potential they have and I bet they will gain from "learn by experience" ....

I am pretty happy about my flat though Its not as beautiful as my friend's but there is a sense of accomplishment and vast learning of "Building my home " . I will cherish this for a long time...

Friday, May 30, 2008

Anti- Quotes !!!!

Best Quotes proved wrong...

Out of Sight is out of Mind

The Other day I happened to talk to a person very close to me . We hadn't met for a long time but I never felt she was out of my life. She was enthusiastic and still had lot of things to talk. She was just a carefree gal who kept on talking to me like a kid.The same was true with me and we never felt we need to call or mail. It just happened spontaneously and it works !.....Well , I have some one who I see day in day out but never feel like talking. Minds are away so does the feeling for each other. Its a question I asked for myself and the answer seems to suggest that "its actually not Out of sight is Out of Mind" but its "Out of Mind is Out of Sight". We never happened to cross each other though we are together...well well well its never the sight but the Mind !!!

Change is The only constant in life

This is an hot topic everywhere. Especially true with blue chip companies in particular. Top companies teach this fundamental aspect under "Change Management".
I was attending this conference on "Change management" and at the end of the session
a guy (suppose to be an equity research analyst)asked a question - If change is the only "Constant" in life , then why "Change". Read this phrase once again , do you get any clues. No ,neither could I until I spoke to this smart guy.
He said " The best equity analyst in the industry is the one who kept his client's portfolio without any changes. Believe me , it worked and my portfolio got the best returns...." It also went on to prove that , he constructed the best portfoilio which required minor or no changes at all !!!! Same is true with our life . Learn to adopt to changes but never CHANGE.

"Love is Blind"

- Not after you read this story . Love is never blind and you have to talk :)

10th grade

As I sat there in English class, I stared at the girl next to me. She was my so called "best friend". I stared at her long, silky hair, and wished she was mine. But she didn't notice me like that, and I knew it. After class, she walked up to me and asked me for the notes she had missed the day before and handed them to her. She said "thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I wanted to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.

11th grade
The phone rang. On the other end, it was her. She was in tears, mumbling on and on about how her love had broke her heart. She asked me to come over because she didn't want to be alone, so I did. As I sat next to her on the sofa, I stared at her soft eyes, wishing she was mine. After 2 hours, one Drew Barrymore movie, and three bags of chips, she decided to go to sleep. She looked at me, said "thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.

Senior year
The day before prom she walked to my locker. My date is sick" she said; he's not going to go well, I didn't have a date, and in 7th grade, we made a promise that if neither of us had dates, we would go together just as "best friends". So we did. Prom night, after everything was over, I was standing at her front door step. I stared at her as she smiled at me and stared at me with her crystal eyes. I want her to be mine, but she isn't think of me like that, and I know it. Then she said "I had the best time, thanks!" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.

Graduation Day
A day passed, then a week, then a month. Before I could blink, it was graduation day. I watched as her perfect body floated like an angel up on stage to get her diploma. I wanted her to be mine, but she didn't notice me like that, and I knew it. Before everyone went home, she came to me in her smock and hat, and cried as I hugged her. Then she lifted her head from my shoulder and said, "you're my best friend, thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.

A Few Years Later
Now I sit in the pews of the church. That girl is getting married now. I watched her say "I do" and drive off to her new life, married to another man. I wanted her to be mine, but she didn't see me like that, and I knew it. But before she drove away, she came to me and said "you came!". She said "thanks" and kissed me on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.

Years passed, I looked down at the coffin of a girl who used to be my "best friend". At the service, they read a diary entry she had wrote in her high school years. This is what it read: I stare at him wishing he was mine, but he doesn't notice me like that, and I know it. I want to tell him, I want him to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love him but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why. I wish he would tell me he loved me! `I wish I did too...` I thought to my self, and I cried.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

You will never get out of it alive

“Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive” - Elbert Hubbard

There is a world of dissatisfaction in you. You see life as mostly miserable and not Miracle. You see u'r self as a failure. May be a job loss, may be u'r in debts or may be somethin or some one you lost !!!. How do we ever make it to a tipping point where none of these can atleast make u'r life miserable if not happy. Well Its not tough as you think it ought to be. "Think you can , think you can't either way you are right " .

First and foremost , when you hit upon a problem , I want you to do this.
What is the cause of the problem. we often tend to think the effect of the problem. If you are in a bad debt , you always ought to think , bad debt leads to misery in life. Stop ! Dnt think that way. First & foremost, the cause of debt is .......may be ...."You lost the job" !
Thats it , stop at this point .Loss of job is the cause of your debt. Instead of worrying about , the consequences of bad debt , you will invariably think of searching for a job....Believe me , thats what you will do. Try this simple test of " Cause and NOT the Consequence test" on smaller things in life and observe. You need to do this consciously else you will never find your way.

Let me put a real life story in front of you. I just passed out of college and was already in love with a girl whom I decided to marry. 2002 was US slump and neverthless it had , its effect on our Campus placements as well. I dint have a job , when I came out of college. But time was ticking . Not for the job , but for the marriage proposals for my girl. our society is ruthless. everybody see you thru your "Success". So , there was no way I culd have convinced her parents to marry her to me....can I dare to...Yes I did dare to...not because , I was Romio for her and not because I was a batman , who culd just fly her off, but because of a simple rule ...." Cause and not consequence test" effect !!!! There were 100's of reasons as to get depressed @ this situation. Think of all the consequences that culd have happened to me. I culd have gone to slump, I culd not fight back, I culd have lost faith of my parents and many more to add. well , I just realised that , there is no point to think of consequences but try and analyse what can get me married to her. Yes its the "Job" and thats it , stick to that effort and get a damn "Job". It was this effort to date which I remember always. Easy but needs a lille more effort from your end.

Get on with life and dnt think about consequences. Thats why everybody says "Live your life" and now I know what it means -:)

Again think about it and let me know if there is a success story because of this write up

" Life is no doubt a do it yourself project "

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

When in Slump , Ask the right question

There are at times you feel the whole world is crashed. There are at times , when your relationship has strained. There are and many more to list. If I ask you one thing " List 10 bad things and 10 good things in
your life " , 99% of the times , the "Bad" list is growing and the "Good" list has just shrunk deep. Its surprising to know that "Money" cannot keep you happy. Any amount of "Success" cannot keep you happy. If you look @ bad things that happened to you in your life, its most likely a "Relationship". You will be surprised to know that , a person is happy , if his "eco-system" is good. When I say "ecosystem" , it means the life around you , people you are connected to , emotions you are bound to . So it is this system, you need to "Churn" daily to keep you healthy(mentally) and kicking. Introspect yourself as to what makes you "Happy" and mostly you will have no clue as to what it takes to be motivated and happy. But when a question is asked "what makes you sad " , there might be endless list. These questions will give a clue to you. If you have 5 things that makes you sad , there will be 5 counter one's you can find to keep your self happy. So there is a word called "MAP".

Do this simple test when you are sad for ,ofocurse 1000 of reasons. Pick one of those reasons. May be , I am feeling low because a person close to me hurt me. you would Relax, take a deep breathe and will most certainly ask a question , what made him or her to hurt you ? .Obvious to say , you love that person and hence you are hurt. But if I slightly twist that question , the most appropriate question to ask yourself would be " what makes him or her happy" ? . and more so , u will find 100's of reasons to make him or her happy !!!!

Needless to say , you will eventually be happy for ever -:) .

To make it a little complicated , decisions are made everyday but most of them go wrong. Its becuase , you forgot to ask the "Right question" and hence "ended up" in a slump due to bad decisions.

To take the same example above , if the person close to you "Chose" to leave you & move ahead , you will know for all the right reasons to leave him or her and be happy. This can only be possible if you ask the right question ," what makes him or her happy" ? and the answer is "Leave and Live" . Simple but yet powerful tool to keep yourself "Happy and Motivated" !!

Think ABout it ...All the best.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Value Life

I woke up to a terrible head ache. WHole world looked a shallow water where u culd see nothing and no life. A matrix and much more perplexed thoughts went into my mind. I was feelin drunk last night and a kind of amnesia. Blood started woozing out from my lips and ears. Not sure what happened last night. Clueless and confused . All that I remember is a CRY and nothin else. Slept like a dog as if it was a bad dream but when opened my eyes , the same CRY came from my heart. Did something happened in Night ? Not sure ...Walked into the kitchen , drank some water to my fullest and went to rest room and kept my eyes as low as possible. I was dyin...the same CRY crippled me....unable to think , not able to see and not to know how to stop that CRY. Sun started to set and birds chirp around to their NEST and I was shattered . IT haunted me every where and all tht I could remember is just that me GOD...I prayed to my heart and just wandered in my dreams. The sounds of a CRYIN GIRL set the FIRE every corner and I just slapped to BED movements , lip locked and tears in me GOD ....I prayed to my heart.........She was badly injured and I was told there is no hope for her as she was brain dead. I was helpless ....I wondered why I owe her so much and she came to my dreams again & again. She is not my friend nor a sweet heart but yet her eyes stuck me and tears in my eyes....I could not stop her me GOD...I prayed to my heart...She stood brain dead and she was lying in a pool of blood......All that I remember , I was drunk last night and not knew what happened.........2 months later , she was dead and I stopped dreaming.......She crashed my life...She is not my friend nor a sweet heart but yet her eyes stuck me and tears in my eyes....I could not stop her and she was gone for ever................VALUE LIFE - THIS IS A WORK OF PURE FICTION and IMAGINATION of a GIRL who was pushed for a flesh trade , when resisted ,beaten badly and hurt and the intensity you felt when you encounter HER horrific state....

Kathihar to Kennedy - The Road Less Travelled by Sanjay Kumar

It’s a cliche when I read this book and reflect some of my own beliefs about having a purpose-driven life. This book amazed me for 2 reaso...