Bonded and jalied for ever....? Outrageous? Yet 10,000 children die every single day in India. More than in any tsunami, flood, earthquake, famine or war. Half of India's children are deprived of their fundamental right to education every day. Two million Indian babies die each year before they celebrate their first birthday. Millions of India's children go to bed each night hungry, hopeless and angry. We as a nation, seem quite content to tolerate this violation of their constitutional rights - Cry.org
they are born to die and die every day hoping to live someday.
they need us...they need some moment to tell thier pain and a bed to sleep and some food to eat.They suffer for no mistake of theirs. If we can make a difference to atleast one of this kids by helping them to complete a basic education, believe me we have done what we cannot achieve in 100 years - Yes a success in your life and a success in their lives too.
Its simple to live them to their fate and it takes a courage to help them to set the things right.THink about it.Can you leave your child to die its fate.We must protect these kids.Afterall they are our strength.They are the country's future. If we throw them , there will be no humanity left in us.THink about it because kids are god sent and they need our help.