Thursday, November 29, 2007
A letter from an Husband after 4 successfull years of marriage
I still remember the bubbly chirpy gal who has a sparklin smile for which the whole college was fida
I Think u still carry that charisma on u'r face .
There were many ups and downs in our life. SOme I fought alone some together and some u alone
what ever happened our relationship blossmed after every hit. Not to mention it all happened for a reason better strange and stupid
yet you been part n parcel of my life and takin care of mine evrything starting from my life towards my pain and towards my happiness
all along ,you were there and cheered me .
What ever lille am today and achieved today is not because I was smart but because of a reason and thats YOU.
Its true , my evry heart beat might not sing a song for you but my life is circled around you and it will always remain the same for ever and ever...
I owe you more than my life and I believe I will try to become a better partner to you than what I am today!!
Think back and I can imagine the jerks u got b'coz of me and hence a salute to you !!!
I am sorry if I have hurt in these 4 years . I wont promise you If I can ever not to hurt you because certain thins are not in my control but I promise " To be part of you in your pain "
We have been friends and foes and husbands and wifes and we played all roles to suit our life . Today people are lukin at us and praisin
felt happy to spend those 4 valuable years with you
I know if it was not you it would not have been anybody else who culd have understood me better.
You are the best and Thai shall always be
ever loving hubby cum cleaner cum friend cum partner cum lover cum kid..........................
Friday, November 23, 2007
Friendship Undefined
One thing I feel needs to be said is that there are many other relationships that aren’t friendship that are still positive. There are many people I admire who aren’t friends. I work with lots of people who aren’t friends. In fact, I often think it’s a bad idea to work with your friends (more on that another time).
The world isn’t divided into two parts — friends and enemies. I choose to think of friend as a very strong word, representing a very close relationship. I think this may be in part due to what I do, because I need a good solid line separating my public life from my personal. A friend is a personal relationship. I like and admire many people who I don’t consider friends.
One of the hallmarks of a person who is more likely to be a friend-that-was than a friend-for-life, is that person quotes anonymous people who say they were my friend but I betrayed them. That’s such a huge turnoff, that usually wakes me up in an instant. A friend would never even consider saying something like that, because it’s so objectifying, so impersonal, so unfair, so un-friendly. In a court of law you’re entitled to cross-examine.I learned that a friend is someone I trust to be with me when I am at my weakest and most vulnerable. And they are people who, no matter how painful it is to see, are willing to be with me when I am so helpless and weak. If I would trust my life with you, and vice versa, we are friends. It’s not about whether you are trustworthy, or whether you are friendly, it’s the actual act of trust that is the basis of friendship. If I trust you to be truthful, then you’re a friend. If I find I must be careful how I say things, then it’s something other than friendship.
Friendship is not a state of mind, it’s an act. It’s something you do, it’s not about whether you’re good or not, it’s not a reflection of you, it’s a balanced relationship between people. That doesn’t mean it’s always balanced at every moment. Sometimes you “need a friend” and other times it’s the other way. It’s a trust that’s returned. When I was younger and thought I was in love, a friend said it’s not love unless it’s returned. Friendship and love are not quite the same thing, although there’s a lot of love around friendship. I learned that love isn’t even something about two people, it’s a state of being for one person. You aren’t in love, you are love. You are, whether you acknowledge it or not. The heart that’s pumping blood through your body is an act of love, 24 hours a day
"At the end of the day I go back conquering nothin but to be with my Family and happy ever after . Thats not an happy endin but a beginning of a new life ....." written by Dave winerMonday, May 07, 2007
An Old Man's Land !
you have been juggling in life have run thru the major slumps and happiness in life. you need money to survive more money to compete n more space to live.Everybody are in a hurry to fight , conquer and withdraw..This cycle is fight for nothing ! yet at the end of the day you know you have many things to juggernaut tomorrow!...Ha....its a mess you created for long time and the same you have been living and preaching your kids...its long forgotten to care for our parents....Its long forgotten to respect them , listen to them and cherish what they you are in a catch the bus , to run behind the train and move behind something unseen and something you never wanted to...yet you ran miles apart from your parents and from your grand parents...
Grand father was in hospital trying to fight the battle....tryin to keep up his good faith in life and hopin to see his near and dear kids around...when he opened his eyes , he could see none but his wife...she is too heavy to support herself but yet tried her best to convince him that all's welll....its an irony , they have sacrificed all along their lives to these kids and today they are running to keep their life kicking where in he was trying to stop from running out of breathe! Its shame to us, to this society and to our parents who could not teach us what does it mean to care for our past .
they are engufled in future and never worried to turn behind...what an irony..we forgot the path we came from and lost in the cannot go back nor can live with the future...its all human insane and its all gone....
what have you achieved these days....and the answer is much much smaller than the deep hurts given to your old parents....
they need your help...they need your support ...they need some one to cry for ,some one to shoulder their problems....they have done that to you in past and they want that back !
please give your parents their future because they are your past.
remember , at the end of the day , its you who can know what it takes to care for your parents!
Give your parents a chance to live and die with Great Honor
Today is his b'day and his children are celebrating this occassion !
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Human insane !
Infact countries like holland suffer from this . Children , especially girls for reasons better known to you are abused and misused. Some are done illegaly and some are forced to do, for those girls at a very young age won't even understand the physical nomenclature....well think again and suddenly veda ( a sweet little 3 year old girl comes into my mind) ...I saw her dying .she wanted to live but she dint know she need to breathe .She was raped! This telecast stunned me....My mind started wandering her heart - to tell her to live , to tell her to breathe....My friends if you think I am talking about human trafficking , then you are mistaken for reasons Child abuse is worse that the worst situation in 36 China town ! Yes this is happening and nobody knows what needs to be you know atleast 30 to 40 % of the gals undergo physical abuse at a very young age of 5 to 10 years.!!!! we never know , next might be in your family,.....the monster is there and the bulls are running like maniacs....pls protect your kids...educate them about the touch and smell of the bloody phsycopath.....if you can't stop him he is ready to invade and distroy your world... The world of dreams for your daughter is in your hand. Tell them the good touch and bad touch. Tell them to read the minds....I know its difficult but do try and lit her life ......other wise it might be too late or it can go unnoiticed and can cause havocs in her future life....Think for sometime , not many kids can tell what has happened on them ? Can they or should they ? Its the parents who need to say and I leave it to them as to how they want to tackle this social issue .......
Kathihar to Kennedy - The Road Less Travelled by Sanjay Kumar
It’s a cliche when I read this book and reflect some of my own beliefs about having a purpose-driven life. This book amazed me for 2 reaso...

You have to pick this book only after reading 'Blue Ocean Strategy', because only then would you know what strategy really means to ...
I being an avid follower of Kotter's principle will appreciate this book even if it leaves the reader High and Dry. Kotter tend...
There are at times you feel the whole world is crashed. There are at times , when your relationship has strained. There are and many more to...