This is a short story and as always some wisdom out it .read on
I happened to visit a house warming cermony of a friend. The house was pretty grand and my friend's father took care of making sure the house is a "Home" for the family. He had quite a lot of experiences in his life and it was no wonder the Job was well done. I congratulated the family and left. After few days , I happen to meet this friend over a coffee table and he was little worried. he was tense that the Toilet fittins had some leakages in STP(sewage treatment plant) and he was not even aware of what to do about to fix this up. Straight and as expected , he called up his father and I am not sure what happened next.
Over to me , I have been struggling to bring my flat up and operational atleast to livable condition. My father stays in a different place and he cannot help as much like my friend's father does. So its been a long roller coaster ride for me to make things work in my flat starting from deisgning the kitchen , furnishing the rooms , selecting a good color to the walls so on and so forth.... Incidently , There was a seepage that happened in my bathroom and I knew the next best thing to do is use the fillers to resolve the issue. The solution was as simple as it was but the problem comes when you don't know why its happening and how to avoid it. Well i learnt it by experience and I was not even worried about this problem..
I started thinking , it shall be true in our kids life as well....Parents generally put lot of do's and don't to thier kids. This is not bad but they cannot learn if there is a restriction. They will enjoy when they experience. It might be good or bad , but the lesson will be learnt. And am sure , it will stay with them for ever. Its the direction and not the binding which should be given to our kids. This will help to unleash the true potential they have and I bet they will gain from "learn by experience" ....
I am pretty happy about my flat though Its not as beautiful as my friend's but there is a sense of accomplishment and vast learning of "Building my home " . I will cherish this for a long time...