Two movies I watched recently completely re-assured me about what I think about Love....
50 First dates - Starred by Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore
6 days 7 nights - Harrison Ford, Anne Heche
Its a complete Complete delight to watch this movie.....50 first dates is all about 'Endurance" in love....its about passion that was poured to build a relationship which blossoms every day and every night....its about falling in love again and again first time and every time....The famous dialog I felt really touched is "My first LaST kiss", when they were departing from each other....The movie is a classic to watch....the girl is sensational and so is sensitive to the relationship she holds with her boy friend and on the other hand , Adam makes every attempt to make her fall in love every day and for ever because girl suffers with a short term memory loss...its true...Love is not blind but its a bond between 2 people.
6 days and 7 nights on the other hand is a completely humorous and off the track story where a girl falls in love again !! But with a different guy...well its not so funny as you thought . Because at the end of the movie , you would feel bad if she had not fallen in love again!...So its true , time and again relations are tested and tried and lot of turbulence to wave for...but it will survive and you will find your way if you are honest and truthful not for others but for yourself !
Endurance , sensitive and truthful...thats all wins the battle . Even if you lost , you will still win !