I am not fit to write a review for this book because its not just a book but a bible...Its different for different people when they follow...So I hold no pre-judice but try to carve out what I felt after I read this book.....
Time and again , I am attracted to the literatures that touches human heart...Its not just love between two people which makes our life happy
Its also a bonding that sets the pace of the life to do something good and something more meaningful than getting bogged down by the life's mutinies
My thanks to Robin Sharma who has brought out this book and the moment I read , I had a feeling that I went to my past , to my present and to my future
that's the power of the narration you will come across here...
Its Sensible and Simple and every time you read something about life skills , you will wonder its not that easy to follow
But not after reading "The Saint , Surfer And the CEO"....You will feel happy and you
will definitely be more prepared to embrace life with lot of love
Your perspective towards the people , persons whom you love , pets you like , perceptions you hold for relationship, will eventually change
We have too many emotions floating in this world and all seem to take us no where and that's the biggest tragedy...Be it a corporate office or a common man's house , there is a pattern of emotions followed and not everything makes us feel great
But there is a chance to change this world , there is a chance to keep the vibrance and there is a chance for self- discovery and come back home because we are lost in the materialistic world....We are lost piling up money for our future and spending it back to recover our life ! That's an irony but there is one last chance before we give away and this book is just the right step in that direction
We need Humans not brains to feed this world !!!!!