Well some one refereed me this book and am fortunate to have this with me as a collection. Its a gem ! Full of wisdom told through the eyes of a dying professor.
We have aspirations in life. We have capabilities to achieve them to larger extent. We are highly successful and at some point we feel sky is the limit
And of course there is depression and sadness in our lives which we manage to overcome some way
But life always holds surprises beyond this and this story of Morrie who is professor , with a difference , lets you think otherwise.
The book is full of wisdom's but written in such a subtle way by the professsor's student that you will not realize you are onto something
The conversation between Morrie who is the professor and the student is very intriguing. As the diseases catches up with Morrie , the wisdom and truth about life just oozes out more from the experience the student has with him
All through out the book , it makes you think deeply about life and morals , life has preserved for you . To get the understanding of these values, one need to be aware and when you are aware and when you read this book , you know for sure - you salute the professor who holds so much courage to "leave" happily from the world. Tears at the end book is gauranteed but the learning you carry forward is priceless !!
Grab this book for the weekend and am sure you will reach a point where you can differentiate worthiness of certain things in life !