Wednesday, April 02, 2008

You will never get out of it alive

“Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive” - Elbert Hubbard

There is a world of dissatisfaction in you. You see life as mostly miserable and not Miracle. You see u'r self as a failure. May be a job loss, may be u'r in debts or may be somethin or some one you lost !!!. How do we ever make it to a tipping point where none of these can atleast make u'r life miserable if not happy. Well Its not tough as you think it ought to be. "Think you can , think you can't either way you are right " .

First and foremost , when you hit upon a problem , I want you to do this.
What is the cause of the problem. we often tend to think the effect of the problem. If you are in a bad debt , you always ought to think , bad debt leads to misery in life. Stop ! Dnt think that way. First & foremost, the cause of debt is .......may be ...."You lost the job" !
Thats it , stop at this point .Loss of job is the cause of your debt. Instead of worrying about , the consequences of bad debt , you will invariably think of searching for a job....Believe me , thats what you will do. Try this simple test of " Cause and NOT the Consequence test" on smaller things in life and observe. You need to do this consciously else you will never find your way.

Let me put a real life story in front of you. I just passed out of college and was already in love with a girl whom I decided to marry. 2002 was US slump and neverthless it had , its effect on our Campus placements as well. I dint have a job , when I came out of college. But time was ticking . Not for the job , but for the marriage proposals for my girl. our society is ruthless. everybody see you thru your "Success". So , there was no way I culd have convinced her parents to marry her to me....can I dare to...Yes I did dare to...not because , I was Romio for her and not because I was a batman , who culd just fly her off, but because of a simple rule ...." Cause and not consequence test" effect !!!! There were 100's of reasons as to get depressed @ this situation. Think of all the consequences that culd have happened to me. I culd have gone to slump, I culd not fight back, I culd have lost faith of my parents and many more to add. well , I just realised that , there is no point to think of consequences but try and analyse what can get me married to her. Yes its the "Job" and thats it , stick to that effort and get a damn "Job". It was this effort to date which I remember always. Easy but needs a lille more effort from your end.

Get on with life and dnt think about consequences. Thats why everybody says "Live your life" and now I know what it means -:)

Again think about it and let me know if there is a success story because of this write up

" Life is no doubt a do it yourself project "

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