Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Do It Now - By Napolean Hill

Its very concise and written well . There are basically few nuggets discussed in the book which we can always relate to but hard to replicate :) There are things like Personality development through Self-Awareness which in turn will help to channelize the energy towards the purpose of our life . Then they are definitive action plan around how to know real self and what are the fundamental questions we need to ask to unearth the potential of our consciousness ( read Sub-Conscious Mind) so that it can unravel itself in purest form . Once you discover the path , its basically - how to reach there . As simple as Health , Discipline , Focus and other things which will help to accomplish few steps every day for a long time so that we can achieve the desired goal . While there are many self help books which picked a single monolithic structure or theme on how to succeed , this book has taken a holistic view of what ticks in our life and why present moment matters for everything. In His own words - “Do it now! can affect every phase of your life… It helps you seize those precious moments that, if lost, may never be retrieved.” Napoleon Hill

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